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A storage area for products in-store, away from the shop floor.
Previously known as backroom.
The central planning of our people to ensure depots have the right number of people at work at the right time.
Previously known as central labour planning.
The manager of a team of people and the associated systems and processes within a shift in a depot.
Previously known as Warehouse Team Manager (WTM).
See Shift Manager.
See Warehouse Manager.
This is the process which removes cases from a store’s order where more of that case than the allowed amount would go to waste.
Products that can’t be sold because they’ve been damaged or are out of code.
See also out of code (OOC).
Function on progress tills to waste products without using a handheld computer. Available to operators with privilege level 6 and above.
A Tesco payroll week runs from Friday to Thursday. Wages are finalised on Friday, so Thursday is the last day to code wages and pay overtime.
The Tesco trading week runs from Monday to Sunday. There are four or five trading weeks each period.
See also period.
A Tesco working week runs from Sunday to Saturday. This is the week used for the whole-store scheduler and calculating all hours.
Also known as WSS week.
See also whole-store scheduler.
An update to tell stores about new and discontinued products and range reductions.
A description of what people will see if they’re on the right track.
A type of in-store promotion with limited stock.
Online system for calculating the numbers of hours needed to complete all jobs in-store.
Action of working through something, usuallyusually putting products from on a certain cage onto the shop floor. ‘I’m working a cage.’
! See cage
Staff, Managers, and Directors are grouped into grades from Work Level 1 to Work Level 6.
See paperless goods in.
A web based communication system which is used for communicating with stores. The type ofcommunication sent to stores on the Workplan could include change work, daily communications, ad hoc communications and emergency product withdrawals.
A question all store staff should ask to determine whether products are the right quality to be sold. If the answer is ‘no’, the product should be removed from the shelf.