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A depot which contains slow moving products and products required by stores not for resale, for example, carrier bags.
Depot dedicated to general merchandise returns. All store GM returns, uplift stock, EPWs, failed and timed-out Direct parcels are sent here. Operated by a contractor: iForce.
Also known as Saltley.
See also general merchandise (GM) and emergency product withdrawal (EPW).
A team of people from different departments with a stake in a particular project or initiative.
New buying system. The national product file system (RMS) and pricing system (RPM) that holds all information about the products we sell and where they come from.
Automatic process to set the stock record for a product back to zero after going into negative stock count because of sales. Often happens following a central zeroisation of a product line.
See also Zeroing.
The manager of a store at night, whose main task is to replenish the shelves and get the store ready for the next day’s trade.
Previously known as Out of Hours Trading Manager.
Function on a progress till to open the cash drawer, without processing a transation.
See also progress.
A checkout prompt given when a product cannot be sold because it cannot be found on the central file, usually because it is subject to an EPW.
See also central file, emergency product withdrawal (EPW).