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Network storage area available on MPCs for sharing files between stores, depots and offices.
The routine by which stores register and investigate any gap (out of stock) to establish why it is a gap.
See also out of stock (TOS).
See Depot Manager.
In-store department responsible for non-food products.
See lost cage.
An easy and tax-free way for staff to support charities. A donation comes directly from you and HM Revenue and Customs pays the amount you would have been taxed.
A shelving fixture at the end of an aisle used mainly to display promotions.
The way we merchandise our stock.
A payment made to customers when a product or service falls short of expectations. Decision made at store level.
Also known as GOGW.
A term used to describe products that don’t require refrigeration or freezing, or the department where these products are held. For example, crisps and biscuits are grocery products.
Previously known as ambient.
See Dotcom.
Back office control to decide whether a checkout operator appears on the operator performance report (group 1), operator performance summary (group 2), both (group 3) or neither (group 4).
Global trade identification number. Unique number for each product, forming part of an EAN barcode.
See also European article number (EAN).
See handheld computer.