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Time and attendance card. Used to record clockings in stores and depots. Can also be used to log in to handheld computers.
Also known as clocking card.
See also handheld computer and time and attendance.
This is one of the key themes of the leadership framework. It’s all about working through others and communicating to others so everyone knows what needs to be done to achieve results.
See also leadership framework.
The Tesco process for succession and career planning, which includes forecasting the number of people we will need in the future, and individual career discussions for our people.
Public-address system installed in stores to allow announcements to be made to the shop floor and staff areas.
A five-minute briefing for staff comprising important information on the department, the store/depot and Tesco.
See Team Support.
Manager responsible for a team of colleagues. Accountable to a lead manager.
The touch-screen computer mounted on Dotcom trolleys which lets Personal Shoppers know which products to pick. Each Team pad has a hand held scanner attached, which is used to scan the barcode on each product.
Team pads connect to the picking control system via a wireless radio signal, transmitted for the Dotcom area. Each new model of team pad is distinguished by number, for example team pad 3.
See also picking control system.
Job role in checkouts and dotcom with additional responsibilities. A Team Support should take decisions around routine things on their department, escalating non-routine things they can’t deal with to a manager.
Previously known as Team Leader (TL).
Pay grades above expert (E/F grade) and eligible for skills payments. Used in stores and customer fulfilment centres.
Also known as T grade and P grade.
Temporarily stopping deliveries of a product to stores and asking stores to sell through any remaining old stock before releasing a new version of a product. Usually done to change a product pack size or supplier.
See also selling through.
We haven’t discontinued the product, and it’s still an orderable line, but we are unable to get enough stock into our stores. This may be as a result of demand for the product exceeding our expectations or a temporary issue with the manufacturing.
Name taken from ‘T. E. Stockwell’ (a former tea supplier) and ‘Jack Cohen’ (our founder).
Head office team responsible for training and development in all areas of the business.
Our retail bank, offering a range of insurance, credit cards, loans, savings and mortgages to customers in the UK.
Previously known as Tesco Personal Finance (TPF).
Our catalogue and internet-based non-food offer, which allows customers to browse the product selection on the website or in the Direct catalogue. Customers can then place their order either online via the Tesco.com website, by phone, or at a Tesco Direct desk in selected stores.
See Tesco Bank.
A type of unique number given by Tesco to every product we sell which is shown on a label on the shelf edge.
When Tesco vehicles collect loads from a supplier on their way back to the depot.
Previously known as Backhaul.
New till software which will eventually replace all Progress tills.
See also Progress.
See week.
Function on progress tills to send a report of the cash in a till cash drawer. Available, via the supervisor menu, to operators with privilege level 6 and above.
Also known as till reading.
See also progress.
Process to remove cash from a till cash drawer, to be sent to the cash office.
Also known as till clearance and till lift.
See drawer reset.
The system that records clockings by T&A cards in stores and depots.
Also known as Tesco T&A.
Where everyone helps warehouse staff unload full cages and reload empty cages to cut down the time it takes to receive a delivery.
Government-backed policy that staff should ask all customers for ID when they are buying age restricted products, if they look under 25.
Soft-key option on progress tills (now Menu
) to access price verify, Tesco Bank tools and the supervisor menu.
See also progress.
A smaller delivery received during the day for stores to top up its shelves with the products it needs to keep in stock until the next main fill.
A conference that brings all Tesco senior managers together for a business update. Usually once a year in May.
Tesco product number – attribute. 9-digit number which groups all the TPNBs that sit underneath it together within Tesco’s internal systems. A TPNA represents a broader type of product than a TPNB, for example, ‘Tesco branded 6 pack of yoghurts (all flavours)’.
See also Tesco product number (TPN).
Tesco product number – base product. 9-digit number assigned to every product we sell, used by stores to order products. All sales and financial reporting is completed at TPNB level, as is merchandising. Each TPNB has its own EAN, for example, ‘Tesco brand 6 pack of yoghurts in strawberry 150g’.
See also European article number (EAN) and Tesco product number (TPN).
Tesco product number – base variant. 12-digit number beginning with the standard TPNB and then ending in 001, 002, 003 and so on. Used when a small amendment is needed to an existing product e.g. small change in product weight or for price marking. A range change is not required to launch a TPNB variant, for exmaple, ‘Tesco brand 6 pack of yoghurts in strawberry 160g’.
Also known as variant TPNB.
See also Tesco product number (TPN).
Tesco product number – consumer unit. Number assigned to a case of every product.
See also Tesco product number (TPN).
Tesco product number – distribtion unit. 7 or 9-digit number assigned to products for distribution. Used by depots to order cases of stock. All costs and invoicing are completed at TPND level.
Also known as Tesco product number – depot.
See also Tesco product number (TPN).
Universal login details for managers which also act as an email address.
The front of a lorry which tows the trailer.
Promotional offer on an individual product or product area (for example, 20% off all ice creams), designed to boost sales as a reaction to something outside Tesco for example activity from a competitor store or exceptionally hot weather.
The team responsible for ensuring we have a simple trade plan that works for customers, is simple for stores to understand and implement and achieves the sales budget.
A manager in-store accountable for a particular area or timeframe, for example non-food, grocery, fresh food or nights.
The “know your stuff” framework for training in Tesco split into bronze, silver and gold levels.
See also know your stuff (KYS).
The team that centrally plans the vehicle movements and deliveries to stores.
Previously known as Regional Planning (team) and National Planning (team).
The Dotcom software system which calculates the best route and schedule for customer orders for a shift. The system takes into account the distance between deliveries, the customer’s selected time slot, Customer Delivery Driver breaks and the weight of orders.
Previously known as paragon.
Scanners on checkouts which read barcodes from all sides.
Stock sent from a national depot (which holds slower moving products centrally) to a regional depot (which holds faster moving products and is nearer to stores) to be sorted and sent out to stores.
Trunked deliveries that are delivered on time, expressed as a percentage.
A warehouse that sorts cages sent from a national depot to send out to stores, and also handles merchandisable units.
See also trunk.
Tesco technical support. Helpline available to support customers with electrical products.
The time it takes to unload stock from a delivery lorry and then reload the delivery lorry with empty cages and/or recycling.
Stores with a twice daily delivery frequency get a delivery for a fill-up and a delivery for top-up.